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БИОГРАФИИ ЗНАМЕНИТЫХ ЛЮДЕЙ: новые материалы (2024)

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Скачать бесплатно! Научная работа на тему COLLEAGUES ABOUT NIKOLAI VAVILOV. Аудитория: ученые, педагоги, деятели науки, работники образования, студенты (18-50). Minsk, Belarus. Research paper. Agreement.

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Опубликовано в библиотеке: 2021-10-13
Источник: Science in Russia, №5, 2012, C.63-65

Dmitry Pryanishnikov, agrochemist and plant physiologist, member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1929) and of the national VASKHNIL Agricultural Academy; member of the Swedish Kungliga Vetenskapsakademien (1913); corresponding member of the Paris Academic des Sciences (1946):


"Nikolai Ivanovich is a man of genius, and we do not realize that only because he is our contemporary."


A "genuflected one". Shuntukskaya experiment station. 1935.

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Sergei Bukasov, selectionist, Doctor of Biological and Agricultural Sciences, member of the VASKHNIL Agricultural Academy (1956):


"An outstanding taxonomist and geographer, he made systemic collections of stock material for all farm cultures... In the significance and versatility of his research activities his name takes the same rank as the names of Darwin, De Candolle, Humboldt and Linnaeus."


Hugo de Vries, a Dutch botanist and one of the founders of genetics; foreign honorary member of the USSR Academy of Sciences:


"In my opinion your work and the work of your Institute is a most important monument of this century in the practical uses of science in farming" (from a message of greeting to N. Vavilov on the 25th anniversary of his research activity, 1935).


Nikolai Timofeev-Resovsky (1900-1981), an outstanding Russian biologist and geneticist:


"He is a master of synthesis, a man capable of capturing and fathoming a countless number of big and little observations--of his own and of other people's--and arranging them into an orderly system. The law of homologous series and the theory of the centers of origin of crop plants could never have been had not their creator been endowed with the gift of Empirical Generalization."

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Constantin Pangalo, Doctor of Biology and Honored Scientist of the Republic of Moldavia:


"He wrote his books and articles like a real artist, in broad strokes of the brush... And it is not much to say that each biologist and each agriculturist who happened to read this or that work of Nikolai Ivanovich [Vavilov] would be kindled with a desire to get involved in such kind of research this or that way."


"Working like that, Nikolai Ivanovich led other people not by ordering them around, he led them by his charisma one could never resist..."


"Science in its supreme manifestation is distilled into art," said artist P. Chistyakov, the teacher of Repin, Vrubel, Polenov and other leading lights of our pictorial art. He is certainly right. Vavilov was more than... a great scientist, he was also a true poet in science concerned not only with cause and effect, but also striving for perfection, harmony and beauty."


Dmitry Likhachev, an eminent scholar in literature and writer, member of the national Academy of Sciences (1970), had this to say in his review of Nikolai Vavilov's book The Five Continents:


"The most emotional, captivating and "artistic" image of a positive man in The Five Continents is that of Nikolai Ivanovich Vavilov--an image coming up independently of our volition and covert intentions of the book's author. An image of the most enchanting, intelligent and talented scientist I have ever been acquainted with in person, or just in books."


Lidia Breslavets, Doctor of Biology (1882-1967), cytologist and cytogeneticist:


"Everybody (in the Institute of Plant Growing) would rush to carry out his instructions with great joy and elation, for they were always so bright and clear... Being in the chair at meetings and scientific sessions, he would never interrupt a speaker save that now and then would butt in with neat remarks to the point. He never interfered with debates but encouraged the most timid and shy to speak up. He was all ears, and that had an inspirational effect on those taking the floor.


"Nikolai Ivanovich never graded people according to rank or position. He called each and everyone by name and patronymic, even if one was fourteen or fifteen years old... I never heard him blunder or confuse one's name; I never saw him change his facial expression, whether he saluted raw beginners or venerable scientists...


"He was happy beyond words when crossing or measuring plants with his own hands. He was a magician to us in the precision of his calculations... His erudition and memory were astounding... He was always at work and knew no respite. His knowledge was enormous."


Nikolai Kuleshov, plant-grower and member of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences:


"Nikolai Ivanovich buckled down after his hours. Strange as it might seem, he was not tired but full of pep. Getting into his armchair, he would pore over a hand-written text, book or map. Research workers and visitors being away, he would burn the midnight oil, working with abandon late into the night.


Sidney Harland, American geneticist (1891-1982):


"In devising methods we tend to forget how to raise fundamental questions. Ours is an age of big knowledge and little wisdom. Vavilov knew how to raise questions.


I was a friend of Vavilov's."


Herman J. Muller, U.S. geneticist, Nobel prize (Medicine and Physiology, 1946):


"Vavilov was truly great... as a scientist, as an administrator, as a man. Unlike some extraordinary personalities he was an extrovert through and through, with no hint of the inferiority complex or fear of persecution, with no sense of superiority as a recompense. He was fully dedicated to his work, to problem solving, scientific analysis and synthesis, observation and esthetic perception. Having profound and broad knowledge, he was more optimistic and life-asserting than anyone I have ever known. His efforts as well as the example of his life are not gone."

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Источник: Science in Russia, №5, 2012, C.63-65

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