Актуальные публикации по вопросам экономики.
Richard Stone - LIFE AND WORK OF JOHN RICHARD NICHOLAS STONE 1913-1991 4 за 24 часа
Sir Richard Stone, knighted 1978 and 1984 Nobel Laureate in Economics, was one of the pioneers of national income and social accounts, and one of the few economists of his generation to have faced the challenge of economics as a science by combining theory and measurement within a cohesive framework. Awarded the Nobel Prize for his `fundamental contributions to the development of national accounts', he made equally significant contributions to the empirical analysis of consumer behaviour. His work on the `Growth Project' was instrumental in the development of econometric methodology for the construction and analysis of large disaggregated macroeconometric models.
Ричард СТОУН - Нобелевская премия по экономике 1984 г. 3 за 24 часа
Английский экономист Джон Ричард Николас Стоун родился в Лондоне. Он был единственным ребенком Джильберта и Элен Стоун. Школьные годы С. начались в подготовительной школе Кливден-Плейса, затем с 1926 по 1930 гг. он посещал Вестминстерскую школу. Отец С., адвокат, стремился дать сыну классическое образование, чтобы подготовить к карьере юриста. Однако С., по его собственным словам, не проявлял большого интереса к классическим предметам и откровенно скучал в школе. Школьным занятиям он предпочитал конструирование моделей поездов и кораблей, в чем ему с энтузиазмом помогал отец. В 1930 г. отец С. был назначен судьей в Верховном суде в Мадрасе и по совету учителей, полагавших, что дальнейшее пребывание в школе не принесет пользы его сыну, взял его с собой в Индию. Год до поступления в университет С. провел в этой стране.
Ричард Стоун 2 за 24 часа
Родился в Лондоне в 1913 г. По окончании Кембриджского университета (1935) выпускал экономический бюллетень, а затем журнал, составляя для них ежемесячные отчеты о состоянии экономики. После недолгой работы с К. Кларком над проблемой измерения национального дохода Стоун по заданию Британского правительства занимался расчетом различных экономических показателей и созданием их системы.
Joseph E. Stiglitz - A MORE CIVILIZED VERSION OF CAPITALISM 12 за 24 часа
The White House last month put out a report implying, but not exactly saying, that two-thirds of the 8.5 million new jobs created during the Clinton administration pay above-average wages. The report, by chief economist Joseph Stiglitz, illustrates how to creatively display statistics to emphasize good news.
The World Bank's chief economist took Western economists to task for their blind adherence to the market and blamed them for Russia's economic debacle in a scathing speech at the World Bank's annual development conference in April.
The economist, Joseph Stiglitz, chided his audience that markets are less capable of governing the world than most economists think.
Joseph E. Stiglitz - PERNICIOUS NONSENSE UNREBUKED 41 за 24 часа
JOSEPH STIGLITZ IS A BRILLIANT MAN. His pioneering scholarship on the economics of information has put him on most economists' short list of Nobel Prize candidates. But Stiglitz has been in the news recently for reasons having nothing to do with his research. He is not only a scholar. Until recently, he was chief economist at the World Bank and, before that, a member of the president's Council of Economic Advisers.
Joseph E. Stiglitz - ECONOMIC TRENDS TO SAVE OR NOT TO SAVE 0 за 24 часа
Why is the personal savings rate in the U.S. so low? Conventional wisdom says it's because many people earn just enough to get by. But a new study by Steven F. Venti of Dartmouth College and David A. Wise of Harvard University calls that idea into question. They found lots of people who earn high incomes but save extremely little, as well as people with low lifetime incomes who still manage to save quite a bit.
Joseph E. Stiglitz is a major figure in the mainstream economics establishment. Having been a faculty member at Yale, Princeton, and Stanford, a prolific publisher in the leading academic journals, and the recipient of prestigious honors and appointments, Stiglitz moved in the 1990s into elevated positions as a policy adviser. He presently serves as senior vice president and chief economist for the World Bank. Previously, from 1993 to 1997, he served on the President's Council of Economic Advisers (CEA), chairing the council during the latter part of that period.
President Clinton's former chief economist defends the administration's pursuit of a middle road between the economics that characterized the New Deal and the Reaganomics of the 1980s. He talks about advocating a similar agenda in his new position at the World Bank.
Joseph E. Stiglitz 12 за 24 часа
When Joseph Stiglitz was named to the president's Council of Economic Advisers in 1993, one pundit named the group "the dream team of economics," and another writer later dubbed him the council's "idea man."
Wherever Stiglitz has gone he has made important contributions, beginning with his work in academia, which included professorships at Oxford, Princeton and Stanford. His efforts in economic research earned him the John Bates Clark Medal of the American Economic Association in 1979, an award given to the most distinguished economist under 40.
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