Оливер Итон Уильямсон - Основные работы

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Опубликовано в библиотеке: 2004-12-24

Источник: Вехи экономической мысли. Теория фирмы. Т.2. Под ред. В.М.Гальперина.- СПб.: Экономическая школа. 1999.
Оливер И. Уильямсон
Родился в Съюпириор (штат Висконсин, США). Степень бакалавра получил в Массачусетском институте технологии (1955), магистра в Стэнфордском университете (1960), доктора философии в Университете Карнеги-Меллона (1963). В 1955-1958 гг. на государственной службе, с 1963 г. преподавал в Пенсильванском и Йельском университетах. С 1988 г. профессор Калифорнийского университете (Беркли). Основная область интересов - теория отраслевой организации, поведение фирм, вопросы антитрестовской политики.
Основные работы:
"Managerial Discretion and Business Behavior", 1963, AER
The Economics of Discretionary Behavior: Managerial objectives in a theory of the firm, 1964.
"Economics as an Anti-Trust Defense: The welfare trade-offs", 1968, AER
Corporate Control and Business Behavior: An inquiry into the effects of organization form on enterprise behavior, 1970.
"The Vertical Integration of Production: market failure considerations", 1971, AER
"Markets and Hierarchies: Some elementary considerations", 1973, AER
Markets and Hierarchies: Analysis and antitrust implications, 1975.
"Franchise Bidding for Natural Monopolies: in general and with respect to CATV", 1976, Bell JE
"Transaction Cost Economics: The governance of contractual relations", 1979, J Law Econ
"The Economics of Organization: The transaction cost approach", 1981, American J of Sociology
"Credible Commitments: Using hostages to support exchange", 1983, AER
The Economic Institutions of Capitalism, 1985.
"Vertical Integration and Related Variations on a Transaction- Cost Economics Theme", 1986, in Stiglitz and Mathewson, editors, New Developments in the Analysis of Market Structure
"Transaction Cost Economcs", 1987, JEBO
"Economics and Sociology: Promoting a dialog", 1988, in Farkas and England, editors, Industries, Firms and Jobs
"A Comparison of Alternative Approaches to Economic Organization", 1990, J of Institutional and Theoretical Economics
Organization theory : from Chester Barnard to the present and beyond., 1990.
"The Logic of Economic Organization", 1991, in Williamson and Winter, editors, Nature of the Firm
"Economic Institutions: Spontaneous and intentional governance", 1991, Journal of Law, Economics and Organization
"Markets, hierarchies, and the modern corporation: an unfolding perspective", 1993, JEBO
The Mechanisms of Governance, 1996.

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