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Biological filters are an important part of the biosphere // Science in Russia.

Äàòà ïóáëèêàöèè: 08 èþëÿ 2010
Àâòîð: Ostroumov S.A.
Ïóáëèêàòîð: Îñòðîóìîâ Ñ.À. (íîìåð äåïîíèðîâàíèÿ: BY-1278599129)
Ðóáðèêà: ÝÊÎËÎÃÈß Ïðîáëåìû ýêîëîãèè

Ostroumov S.A. Biological filters are an important part of the biosphere // Science in Russia. 2009. No. 2. P. 30-36. [The journal Science in Russia is published by The Presidium of Russian Academy of Sciences, both in English and in Russian; Nauka Publishers, Moscow; ISSN 0869-7078. www.ras.ru, ©Russian Academy of Sciences Presidium; Editor-in-Chief: Academician Rem Petrov; among the members of the Editorial Board: President of the Russian Academy of Sciences; ex-President of the Academy; ex-President of Moscow State University; Vice-Presidents of the Academy.]
see also: http://scipeople.ru/users/2943391/

Text of the paper:
Let us recollect the well-known film “Solyaris” by the Russian film director Andrei Tarkovsky (1932-1986), based on a novel of the same name by Stanislav Lem, a Polish writer (1921-2006). One of the main participants in the dramatic events at the orbital station is a mysterious thinking ocean, covering the surface of a distant planet. The entire life on this planet is represented by this unique huge creature. The book and film are so convincing that make one believe in the existence of a huge all-embracing living organism, desolate because of its uniqueness. The involuntary question suddenly arises: is not there some unknown basic similarity between our planet’s biosphere and its breaking into numerous creatures and the hypothetical Solyaris? And this question seems no longer naive, when one learns how numerous and close the relationships between various organisms on the Earth are.
In the 1990s I wrote a series of letters to foreign scientists, forming new scientific contacts. Among those who responded was Dr. Peter Donkin from the Marine Biological Laboratory in the city of Plymouth in the south of England, who suggested preparing a joint research project. Together with his colleagues they had mastered a method for measuring the filtration activity of marine mussels Mytilus edulis, bivalve mollusks, prevalent in the moderate waters of Northern and Southern hemispheres, by using the Coulter’s counter. This device evaluates the concentration of unicellular algae in water, which depends on the filtration capacity of mollusks placed at the bottom of experimental vessels.
By that time I accumulated certain experience in biotesting chemicals, especially synthetic surfactants. They include a vast class of organic compounds (synthetic detergents, etc.) that reduce the surface tension of water, which stimulates its washing characteristics. Their molecules, when reacting with cells, choose biological membranes for targets. Getting into aqueous medium, part of these substances undergo biological and chemical degradation, but some of them, highly stable, pass through standard biological water treatment devices. By the way, synthetic surfactants are produced all over the world in enormous volumes: up to 1 mln metric tons annually only in Russia. I have tested these substances many times with bacteria, algae, higher plants, leeches, and the larvae of the bivalve Mercenaria mercenaria. All of them reacted to surfactants, and all reacted negatively. From these results I hypothesized that these substances will inhibit the filtration activity of the mussels Mytilus edulis. This hypothesis was used by me and Peter Donkin when we wrote a grant proposal in order to verify this hypothesis working together.
The project won a grant from the European Environmental Research Organization , and in 1995 the work was in full swing. Yellowish one-cell algae Isochrysis galbana were grown in huge glass balls; these algae were then added into the beakers with the mussels Mytilus edulis (Peter and I brought the druses of mussels into the laboratory after removing them from sea rocks). Reduction of the cell concentration with time provided information about the water filtration rate. The rate of the process was impressive. For example, one small mussel just several centimeters in size filters at least 2 l of water within 1 hour. According to the estimates of some authors, mollusks that inhabit 1 m2 of the bottom area, pass through themselves (and clean!) from 1 to 10 m3 water during 24 h. It is clear that they are among the most active participants in some of important processes in the biosphere. And there are reasons to respect these organisms and agree with the Russian poet Afanasy Fet (1820-1892), who admired them, writing
“Decorated shells are gleaming
In the play of wonderful colors.”
Experiments confirmed our hypothesis that had predicted the capacity of synthetic surfactants to inhibit (suppress) the filtering activity of bivalve mollusks.
A new idea was to verify the same hypothesis on another species of marine mussels, Mytilus galloprovincialis, which inhabits the Black Sea. The possibility to experiment on these organisms at the Institute of Biology of Southern Seas was granted to me by colleagues from Sevastopol: Georgi Shulman, Corresponding Member of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Galina Finenko and Alexander Soldatov, Drs. Sc. (Biol.). Another species of algae, Monochrysis lutheri was used in the tests, and the concentrations of their cells were evaluated by a spectrophotometer. Similarly as in the experiments carried out in the United Kingdom, we observed some inhibition of the filtration activity of the mussels under the effect of surfactants. In addition, I verified the effects on the mollusks of several mixed preparations (synthetic detergents), which include synthetic surfactants as part of their formula. They all suppressed the filtration activity of the Black Sea mussels and also of the Crassostrea gigas oysters. It is noteworthy that both species are important as objects of mariculture. Mariculture is rapidly developing all over the world and it is important to know what types of environmental pollution are particularly dangerous to cultivated organisms. In 1999-2006 these studies were carried out due to fruitful collaboration with Sevastopol scientists.
Professor Norbert Walz from the Institute of Freshwater Ecology in Berlin, where I was invited to in 1998 to read a lecture, told me about a method for cultivation of Brachionus calyciflorus rotifers (representatives of zoological plankton, another group of invertebrate filter-feeders) under conditions of a turbidistat (this device maintains a stable level of the concentration of one-cell algae placed there). Due to this, the food (green algae) consumption by rotifers is rather precisely registered. By that time together with my colleague from the Moscow State University, Nataliya Kartashova, Cand. Sc. (Biol.), we worked at the Biological Faculty of the University with another species of rotifers (Brachionus angularis). Surfactant concentration at the level of 0.5 mg/l exerted a negative, though not clear-cut, effect on them: reduced the consumption of the Chlorella sp. algae by the rotifers .
Bearing this in mind, I suggested to Professor N. Walz to carry out a new experiment on rotifers in the turbidistat. Our joint studies were to verify whether the hypothesis on the probable suppression of the filter activity by cationic* surfactants could be extrapolated to rotifers, in addition to mollusks. In 2000 due to a grant for research from the Open Society Foundation, I carried out an experiment at the Walz’ laboratory. Brachionus calyciflorus rotifers were cultivated in the turbidistat with a suspension of unicellular algae. When eating, the rotifers removed from water the unicellular algae (1.5-6 µm in size) Nannochloropsis limnetica (this species has been described recently, though the algae, belonging to the Eustigmatophyceae, are rather prevalent). The same cationic surfactant, which we had studied previously with Dr. Kartashova, suppressed the activity of rotifers. Thus, our experiments confirmed the hypothesis on the role of surfactants as inhibitors of water filtration. We published the results in the Doklady Akademii nauk (Reports of Academy of Sciences) journal in 2003.
In a word, it has become clear that the mechanism of biological structure of ecosystems is unstable: they are sensitive to pollutants even in rather low concentrations. New concepts on water self-cleaning were very useful in organization of a scientific session in 2000 in the city of Santa Fe (USA), where the author of this paper managed to unite efforts of scientists from Israel, China, The Netherlands, Russia, the USA, and FRG, and in 2001 in organization of a similar workshop in Copenhagen (Denmark). Our theory helped to predict other similar biological effects.
The results of our studies of marine mollusks suggested that presumably this effect of surfactants could be observed with freshwater organisms as well. Our experiments (in many of them our assistant was Nataliya Kolotilova, Cand. Sc. (Biol.) from Moscow State University) with unionid bivalves Unio pictorum, inhabiting the rivers of the Moscow region, confirmed the hypothesis. The effects of representatives of all three main classes of surfactants were tested: anionic, cationic, and nonionogenic detergents. We also tested the capacity of freshwater mollusks to extract bacteria from the water during its filtration. For this purpose, the suspension of Escherichia coli (30 ml) was added into each of two vessels with 3 l of water with the bivalves that we studied. The concentrations of the bacteria were measured after 24 h incubation. It was 150,000 cells/ml in the vessel with mollusks and 480,000 cells/ml in the control vessel (without the bivalves). Hence, due to the presence and activity of the unionids the concentration of the bacteria in the water reduced 3-fold.
Thus, one more example proved the important role of biological filter-feeders in water cleaning. It is particularly important for contemporary Russia, where the quality of reservoirs* and streams, serving as sources of drinking water for the population, does not always correspond to the hygienic standards: more than 20 percent of samples collected from them do not meet the standard requirements.
At one of the scientific conferences at the Moscow State University I met Yelena Zubkova, Dr. Sc. (Biol.), from the Institute of Zoology of Academy of Sciences of Moldova. Together with her team she investigated the process of metal (iron, copper, zinc, manganese, etc.) accumulation by mollusks. And our mutual efforts were focused on studies of Dreissena polymorpha. These small mollusks, living in fresh and slightly salty waters, in rivers, reservoirs, and lakes, are characterized by a peculiar coloring of shell valves —peculiar strips (given certain imagination, one can find them similar to the zebra coloring). However, they are aggressors: they rapidly occupy and populate new reservoirs and streams, their populations reaching great numbers. Let us add: zebra mussels are typical invaders , and their swift migration all over the Earth is one of the pressing ecological problems of our time. That is why comprehensive study of all aspects of life of such species is important for practice.
In 2006 together with several Moldavian colleagues we studied the role of zebra mussels and other mollusks in the biogenic migration of chemical elements in aquatic ecosystems. Professor Ivan Toderash, Academician-Secretary of the Department of Biological, Chemical, and Ecological Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, took an active part in this study.
One of the members of our team, Oksana Munzhiu, Dr. Sc. (Biol.), from the Institute of Zoology, the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, used the method which was suggested by me for work with mollusks, in her studies of zebra mussels. It has become clear that some heavy metals inhibited their filtration activity. By the way, the result is in accord with my earlier data of a series of experiments on the Black Sea mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis), carried out in 2001-2005 in Sevastopol.
Collaboration with the Moldavian specialists stimulated our interest in the studies of the role of mollusks in migration of substances in the biosphere. This trend of research is focused on the details of the concepts put forward by Academician Vladimir Vernadsky in his pioneering books The Biosphere (1926) and Chemical Structure of the Earth Biosphere and Its Environment (written in 1935-1943, published in 1965) on the extremely active role of living organisms in translocation of the matter, which he called biogenic migration of atoms in the biosphere.
In 1986 the author of this paper published the book Introduction to Biochemical Ecology, in which our concept of the biosphere as an ecological biochemical continuum was mentioned for the first time. The word “biochemical” has there a new connotation, with an emphasis on interactions between a chemical substance and a biological organism. The years that had passed since confirmed that this concept of the biosphere was adequate, particularly under the conditions of anthropogenic impact —numerous chemicals more and more often become involved.
Some new terms were coined and introduced in that book, for example, “ecological chemoregulators” and “ecological chemomediators”, denoting a broad class of substances produced by one group of organism and capable of producing a significant biological effect on other organisms, for example, toxins, pheromones, antifeedants (decreasing trophic activity of animals), phytoecdisones (the plant substances with hormone-like effects on animals). Fruitful studies of some of these substances (cytotoxic, antibacterial, etc.) are carried out at many institutes of the Russian Federation, for example, at the Pacific Institute of Organic Biochemistry, Far-Eastern Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Vladivostok).
Recently, the idea of close interactions between different species of living organisms in communities has been developed (the synecological approach). The concept of synecological cooperation, emphasizing the significance of various forms of functional associations between different species, has been put forward by the author.
The adequacy of this approach was confirmed, among other things, by detection of more and more new symbiotic associations of species in water biocenoses. Thus, in 2008 the book Microbiology of Biocenoses of Natural Reservoirs by Oleg Bukharin, Corresponding Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, and Nataliya Nemtseva, Dr. Sc. (Med.), (Institute of Cellular and Intracellular Symbiosis, RAS Ural Branch), was published in Yekaterinburg. It presents many examples of symbiotic associations of several types, including algae-bacteria associations (for example, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii green algae with several species of bacteria, including Rhodococcus terrae, Micrococcus roseus, Bacillus sp.), algae-Protozoa associations (e.g., Chlorella vulgaris algae and infusorian Paramecium caudatum ), etc.
Elements of our ecological theory were formulated in a series of articles published in Reports of Academy of Sciences (Doklady Akademii nauk) in 2000-2004 and several monographs: Biological Effects of Surfactants in Connection with Anthropogenic Impact on the Biosphere, 2000; Biological Effects of Surfactants on Living Organisms, 2001; Biotic Mechanism of Self-Purification of Fresh and Sea Waters. Elements of Theory and Applications, 2004; Pollution, Self-Purification , and Restoration of Aquatic Ecosystems, 2005 (M.: MAX-Press); Biological Effects of Surfactants (CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, London, New York, 2006); Hydrobiological Self-Purification of Waters: From Studies of Biological Mechanisms to Search for Ecotechnologies (“Academic Readings” series, iss. 48; M.: Neft i Gaz (Oil and Gas) Publishers, 2007). This theory systematizes the facts and concepts, showing that virtually all main groups of aquatic organisms make an important and polyfunctional contribution to water purification. The efforts of mollusks in the course of water filtration activity, and their energy expenditures are so great, that we can speak about a kind of ecological tax paid by them to the ecosystem —a tax for the stability of habitat. The clear-cut and mutually beneficial cooperation of aquatic organisms, excellent balance and coordination of their efforts are so high, that the author suggested the term “biomachinery” to denote this functional system, which was positively accepted by the international scientific community.
Thus, what is the result of these studies? Speaking about theory, we can say that one of the basic results is as follows. Academician V. Vernadsky in his book The Biosphere mentioned the notion of the biosphere “apparatus”, formed by the multitude of living organisms and their functions. The scientist mentioned this term, but in fact he did not work out it in detail. We think that the data presented here contribute to elaborating this concept. It seems that the fragmentation of the biosphere into numerous individuals creates a basis for specialization of functions, useful for the biosphere in general. The presence of a huge number of individuals creates the base for construction of a fine polyfunctional mechanism, or, to be more precise, numerous mechanisms for life maintenance. One of them is water purification with participation of invertebrate filter-feeding animals. The multiplicity of mechanisms and super-multiplicity of the organisms which are involved creates the problem of balance and regulation of this complex orchestra. At least a part of coordinating efforts is mediated by some chemicals. Sensitivity to them, in turn, creates a special type of the ecological hazards associatied with the biosphere vulnerability. This hazard consists in negative effects of man-made synthetic chemical pollutants.
The above experiments proved the hazards of synthetic detergents’ impact on filter-feeding mollusks*. The serious danger lies in the fact that the decrease of their filtration capacity decreases the level of water cleansing. Another important fact is that mollusks release numerous pellets made from the organic matter filtered from the water. As a result, the organic material is transferred from the column of water to the bottom, where it is accumulated in great quantities. As the organic substance that is suspended in the column of water is formed during photosynthesis from CO2 dissolved in water, the entire chain of carbon transfers can be represented in the following sequence: atmospheric CO2 —dissolved CO2 —photosynthesis —phytoplankton —removal of the latter by the organisms that are filter-feeders —pellets —organic substance of bottom sediments .
This chain is essential for maintaining a certain concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, which has key importance for the climatic system of the Earth. As a result, disorders in water filtration by invertebrates may finally create a new hazard to the stability of climate on the planet.
Given the new knowledge, the network of numerous interactions between chemicals and organisms in the biosphere is better seen today. Many natural chemicals are creating an enormous number of links among living creatures. Now we see better, on the one hand, the details of the biosphere apparatus, represented by living creatures, and on the other hand, the integration of organisms into a whole. And the difference between the biospheres of the Earth and the imaginary Solyaris no longer seems so great.
Such are the general theoretical results of our work. In a practical aspect, one of the results consists in creation of a more adequate system of criteria for evaluation of the hazards of anthropogenic effects and in finding new aspects of those hazards. We mean here the disruption of links between the organisms and disactivation of their functions —the functions, which are useful for maintenance of water quality and purity.
I shall add in conclusion that together with Yelena Solomonova, a postgraduate student, we started developing ecotechnologies for reducing hazards of chemical pollution. Using the information and experience obtained during my business trip to the University of Georgia and the US Agency for Environment Protection (USA, 2005), we are now working on the development of a phytotechnology to treat polluted water using aquatic macrophytes (higher plants). Some students of the Biological Faculty of the Moscow State University show interest in this work. Based on our theory of self-purification of water ecosystems, we put forward a new concept of zooremediation of contaminated ecosystems —use of animals (water invertebrates) in order to cleanse water.

Illustrations supplied by the author

Plankton organisms serve as water filters.
Mytilus edulis mussels. The mantle edges (soft tissues of the organism) and siphons are seen. Due to half-open valves, the mollusks filter the water.
Water filtration by Mytilus edulis mussels. Reduction of Isochrysis galbana algae concentration.
Baikal sponges. Near the shore they can filter the entire water thickness in less than 2 days, ensuring its purity.
Bivalve filter mollusks: 1 —Crenomytilus grayanus giant mussel; 2 —Mytilus edulis edible mussel; 3 —Saxidomus purpuratus; 4 —Ostrea edulis common (or edible) oyster; 5 —Crassotrea gigas giant oyster; 6 —Crassotrea virginica Virginian oyster; 7 —Ostrea denselamellosa lamellar oyster; 8 —Pecten maximus; 9 —Pecten yessoensis seaside commercial pecten. The rate of filtration by Ostrea edulis oysters reaches 8.8 l/h at a rate of 1 g of dry weight of their soft tissues (without shells).
The rate of water filtration by mussels at increasing concentrations of an added surfactant (the first column —control, further at increasing surfactant concentrations from 0.05 to 5 mg/l). Figures above the columns show percentage of control.

several monographs:
Biological Effects of Surfactants in Connection with Anthropogenic Impact on the Biosphere, 2000 (author: S. A. Ostroumov);
Biological Effects of Surfactants on Living Organisms (author: S. A. Ostroumov), 2001;
Biotic Mechanism of Self-Purification of Fresh and Sea Waters. Elements of Theory and Applications, 2004 (author: S. A. Ostroumov);
Pollution, Self-Purification, and Restoration of Aquatic Ecosystems, 2005 (M.: MAX-Press, author: S. A. Ostroumov);
Biological Effects of Surfactants (CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, London, New York, 2006); (author: S. A. Ostroumov) in English;
Hydrobiological Self-Purification of Waters: From Studies of Biological Mechanisms to Search for Ecotechnologies (“Academic Readings” series, iss. 48; M.: Neft i Gaz (Oil and Gas) Publishers, 2007) (author: S. A. Ostroumov).

by Dr. S.A. Ostroumov in English, available online (including the websites with the full texts)
relevant to
filter-feeders and other organisms involved in water filtration, water self-purification, improving water quality, and other fundamental and applied issues of ecology, environment and biospheric sciences
including his publications in the leading journal of the Russian Academy of Sciences entitled Reports of Academy of Sciences (Doklady Akademii nauk = Doklady Biological Sciences), and some other English publications in 2000-2009:
1. book: Ostroumov S. A. Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis. Boca Raton, London, New York. 2006. 279 p. ISBN 0-8493-2526-9 [new facts and concepts on assessment of hazards from chemicals, new look on the factors important to water quality, to sustainability; new priorities in environmental safety]; the table of contents see at: http://www.chipsbooks.com/biosurfc.htm;
2. Ostroumov S. A. The concept of aquatic biota as a labile and vulnerable component of the water self-purification system - Doklady Biological Sciences, Vol. 372, 2000, pp. 286–289. http://sites.google.com/site/2000dbs372p286biotalabil/;
3. Ostroumov S. A., Kolesnikov M. P. Biocatalysis of Matter Transfer in a Microcosm Is Inhibited by a Contaminant: Effects of a Surfactant on Limnea stagnalis. - Doklady Biological Sciences, 2000, 373: 397–399. Translated from Doklady Akademii Nauk, 2000, Vol. 373, No. 2, pp. 278–280. http://sites.google.com/site/2000dbs373p397biocatallstag/
4. Ostroumov S. A. An aquatic ecosystem: a large-scale diversified bioreactor with a water self-purification function. - Doklady Biological Sciences, 2000. Vol. 374, P. 514-516. http://sites.google.com/site/2000dbs374p514bioreactor/
5. Ostroumov S.A. Criteria of ecological hazards due to anthropogenic effects on the biota: searching for a system. - Dokl Biol Sci (Doklady Biological Sciences). 2000; 371:204-206. http://sites.google.com/site/2000dbs371p204criteria/
6. Ostroumov S. A. An amphiphilic substance inhibits the mollusk capacity to filter out phytoplankton cells from water. - Biology Bulletin, 2001, Volume 28, Number 1, p. 95-102. ISSN 1062-3590 (Print) 1608-3059 (Online); DOI 10.1023/A:1026671024000; http://www.springerlink.com/content/l665628020163255/;
7. Ostroumov S. A. Inhibitory Analysis of Regulatory Interactions in Trophic Webs. -Doklady Biological Sciences, 2001, Vol. 377, pp. 139–141. Translated from Doklady Akademii Nauk, 2000, Vol. 375, No. 6, pp. 847–849. [In the paper, the author developed a new approach to analyze the fundamental ecological issue, the interactions between organisms in ecosystems. He suggested using the methodology of inhibitory analysis to study interactions in trophic chains. Important situation is the top–down control of plankton by benthic filter-feeders. This control, as author’s experiments have shown, might be removed by chemical inhibitors (the latter may enter the ecosystem as pollutants)]. http://sites.google.com/site/2001dbs377p139inhibitory/; http://blog.researchgate.net/masterblog/299_Inhibitory_Analysis_A_new_method_for_analyzing_interactions_between_organisms_in_ecosystems;
8. Ostroumov SA. The synecological approach to the problem of eutrophication. - Dokl Biol Sci. (Doklady Biological Sciences). 2001; 381:559-562. http://scipeople.com/uploads/materials/4389/Danbio6_2001v381n5.E.eutrophication.pdf
9. Ostroumov SA. The hazard of a two-level synergism of synecological summation of anthropogenic effects. - Dokl Biol Sci. (Doklady Biological Sciences). 2001; 380:499-501. http://sites.google.com/site/2001dbs380p499synerg/
10. Ostroumov SA. Responses of Unio tumidus to mixed chemical preparations and the hazard of synecological summation of anthropogenic effects. - Dokl Biol Sci (Doklady Biological Sciences). 2001; 380: 492-495. http://sites.google.com/site/2001dbs380p492unio/
11. Ostroumov SA, Kolesnikov MP. Pellets of some mollusks in the biogeochemical flows of C, N, P, Si, and Al. - Dokl Biol Sci (Doklady Biological Sciences). 2001; 379:378-381. http://sites.google.com/site/2001dbs379p378pellets/
12. Ostroumov SA. Imbalance of factors providing control of unicellular plankton populations exposed to anthropogenic impact. - Dokl Biol Sci (Doklady Biological Sciences). 2001; 379:341-343. http://sites.google.com/site/1dbs379p341imbalance/; https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sergei_Ostroumov/blog/321_Discovery_of_the_system_where_chemical_pollution_could_impair_the_regulation_and_balance_in_the_abundance_of_phytoplankton_threat_to_ecological_stability_
13. Ostroumov SA. Effect of amphiphilic chemicals on filter-feeding marine organisms. - Dokl Biol Sci (Doklady Biological Sciences). 2001; 378:248-250. For the first time, oysters were used as the test-organisms in bioassay of synthetic surfactants and detergents. The new data revealed a novel type of hazard to mariculture. New negative effects of surfactants and chemical mixtures on water filtering activity of Crassostrea gigas were discovered. http://sites.google.com/site/2001dbs378p248effammaroyst/
14. Ostroumov SA. Biodiversity protection and quality of water: the role of feedbacks in ecosystems. - Dokl Biol Sci (Doklady Biological Sciences). 2002; 382:18-21; http://sites.google.com/site/2dbs382p18biodivers/; http://www.citeulike.org/pdf/user/ATP/article/6113559/ostroumov_02_biodiversity.pdf;
15. Ostroumov S.A. New definitions of the concepts and terms ecosystem and biogeocenosis. - Doklady Biological Sciences 2002 (March), Volume 383, Numbers 1- 6, p. 141-143. Bibliogr. 15 refs. [ISSN 0012-4966 (Print) 1608-3105 (Online)]. https://www.researchgate.net/file.FileLoader.html?key=997c8c86899d5a6e24531054ad1bcd1e;
16. Ostroumov SA. A new type of effect of potentially hazardous substances: uncouplers of pelagial-benthal coupling. - Dokl Biol Sci (Doklady Biological Sciences). 2002; 383:127-130. https://www.researchgate.net/file.FileLoader.html?key=d988acb599e121964c48114374a87e8d; www.springerlink.com/index/28V23JBFADL1Y100.pdf; In the paper new facts are reported that shows man-made hazards to 3 aspects of functioning of the biosphere and ecosystems: (1) formation of water quality; (2) biogeochemical flows of C, N, P and other constituents of biomass; (3) formation of deposits of organic matter as bottom sediments. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sergei_Ostroumov/blog/358_Three_new_key_hazards_to_the_functioning_of_the_biosphere;
17. Ostroumov S. A. Identification of a New Type of Ecological Hazard of Chemicals: Inhibition of Processes of Ecological Remediation. - Doklady Biological Sciences, Vol. 385, 2002 (November), pp. 377–379. [Translated from Doklady Akademii Nauk, Vol. 385, No. 4, 2002, pp. 571–573]. https://www.researchgate.net/file.FileLoader.html?key=8408a7cfaa984764b812ce79c77007f2;
18. Ostroumov SA. System of principles for conservation of the biogeocenotic function and the biodiversity of filter-feeders. - Dokl Biol Sci (Doklady Biological Sciences). 2002; 383:147-150. https://www.researchgate.net/file.FileLoader.html?key=888352078b275ef40a430eb5b4d7714c; https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sergei_Ostroumov/blog/359_How_to_establish_a_new_type_of_reserves_to_protect_aquatic_biodiversity_and_ecosystem_services;
19. Ostroumov S. A. Inhibitory analysis of top-down control: new keys to studying eutrophication, algal blooms, and water self-purification // Hydrobiologia. 2002. vol. 469. P.117-129. A new approach to prevent pollution, eutrophication, and algal blooms was identified and analyzed in this paper. The approach is based on efficient use of the natural mechanisms of self-regulation of ecosystem DOI 10.1023/A:1015559123646; http://www.moipros.ru/files/author_4_article_9.doc; www.springerlink.com/index/R9PTJEQ5FK8VLA6M.pdf; http://scipeople.com/uploads/materials/4389/2Hydrobiologia469p117w%20Addendum.DOC;
20. Ostroumov S.A. Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in processes leading to water purification: current conceptualizations and concluding remarks. - Hydrobiologia, 2002 (February), 469: 203-204. DOI 10.1007/s10750-004-1875-1; http://scipeople.com/uploads/materials/4389/2H469p203.Polyfunctional.role.w.Addendum.rtf
21. Ostroumov S. A., Walz N., Rusche R. Effect of a cationic amphiphilic compound on rotifers. - Doklady Biological Sciences. 2003 (May). Vol. 390. 252-255 [ISSN 0012-4966 (Print) 1608-3105 (Online)]. https://www.researchgate.net/file.FileLoader.html?key=def6575c794b111fcc31275e853c2b15;
22. Ostroumov S.A. Anthropogenic effects on the biota: towards a new system of principles and criteria for analysis of ecological hazards. - Rivista di Biologia/Biology Forum. 2003. 96: 159-170. Review. PMID: 12852181 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] http://sites.google.com/site/ostroumovsergei/publications-1/rivista2003criteria; http://scipeople.com/uploads/materials/4389/3RB96p159Anth..Criteria.doc; www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12852181;
23. Ostroumov S.A., Dodson S., Hamilton D., Peterson S., Wetzel R.G. Medium-term and long-term priorities in ecological studies // Rivista di Biologia / Biology Forum. 2003 (May). 96: 327-332. Abstracts in Eng. and Italian (p. 332). Bibliogr. 20 ref. http://scipeople.com/uploads/materials/4389/3RivistaBio96Priorities2.rtf; www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/14595906 ; PMID: 14595906 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE] Research priorities in ecology and environmental sciences for the future are formulated. The priorities for both fundamental and applied ecology are proposed. The list of priorities includes 50 items. The priorities are relevant to terrestrial, aquatic, and general ecology. The list of priorities is helpful when grant proposals are being prepared, evaluated, and selected for funding.
24. Ostroumov S. A. On the biotic self-purification of aquatic ecosystems: elements of the theory. - Doklady Biological Sciences, 2004, Vol. 396, Numbers 1-6, p. 206-211. https://www.researchgate.net/file.FileLoader.html?key=60f338228d6f3c5114d223ab81e15d3b; https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sergei_Ostroumov/blog/348_Useful_theory_of_natural_mechanisms_of_improving_water_quality;
25. Aquatic ecosystem as a bioreactor: water purification and some other functions. Rivista di Biologia / Biology Forum, 2004, 97: 39-50. Abstracts in Eng. and Italian. [A fundamental concept is proposed of aquatic ecosystem as a bioreactor that carries out the function of water purification in natural water bodies and streams. The ecosystem as a bioreactor has the following characteristic attributes: (1) it is a large-scale (large-volume) bioreactor; (2) it is a diversified (in terms of the number of taxa and the scope of functional activities) bioreactor; (3) it possesses a broad range of biocatalytic (chemical-transforming and degrading) capabilities. New experimental data on xenobiotics - induced inhibition of the water filtration performed by the molluscs Unio tumidus, U. pictorum, M. galloprovincialis and inhibition of feeding by Limnaea stagnalis emphasized the potential ecological hazard from sublethal concentrations of pollutants (including those exemplified by synthetic surfactants and detergents). http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15648211; PMID: 15648211 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]; http://scipeople.com/uploads/materials/4389/4Rivista.Biologia97p39Aquatic..Bioreactor.RTF; https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sergei_Ostroumov/blog/407_New_concept_of_ecosystem; https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sergei_Ostroumov/blog/410_New_Concept_of_Ecosystem;
26. Ostroumov S. A. Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders // Hydrobiologia, 2005. Vol. 542, No. 1. P. 275 – 286. http://scipeople.com/uploads/materials/4389/5Hydr542p275water.filt.doc
27. Ostroumov S. A., Widdows J. Inhibition of mussel suspension feeding by surfactants of three classes. // Hydrobiologia. 2006. Vol. 556, No. 1. Pages: 381 – 386. 3 Tables. Bibliogr. 37 refs. [For the first time the negative effects of the three surfactants on the filtration rates by marine mussels were presented in one paper. The xenobiotics tested represented anionic, cationic and non-ionic surfactants (tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide, TDTMA, a representative of a class of cationic surfactants; sodium dodecyl sulphate, SDS, a representative of anionic alkyl sulfates; and Triton X-100, a representative of non-ionic hydroxyethylated alkyl phenols). Negative effects of SDS, TDTMA, and Triton X-100 on the filtration activity of marine mussels M. edulis and M. edulis / M. galloprovincialis were discovered. All three surfactants inhibited the clearance rates. This is the first publication of the negative effects of a cationic surfactant on Atlantic mussels Mytilus. The significance of the results for the ecology of marine ecosystems is discussed]. DOI 10.1007/s10750-005-1200-7; http://sites.google.com/site/ostroumovsergei/publications-1/hydrobiologia2006ostwidd; http://sites.google.com/site/3surfactantsfiltrationmytilus/; http://scipeople.ru/uploads/materials/4389/_Hydrobiologia2006%20vol%20556%20No.1%20pages381-386.pdf; http://www.springerlink.com/content/7166067538534421/
28. Ostroumov S. A. Basics of the molecular-ecological mechanism of water quality formation and water self-purification. - Contemporary Problems of Ecology, 2008 (Feb), Vol. 1, No. 1, p. 147-152. [ISSN 1995-4255(Print) 1995-4263 (Online); DOI 10.1134/S1995425508010177; https://www.researchgate.net/file.FileLoader.html?key=e533be77c87735c6dcc5cfdb9db96cec; http://scipeople.com/uploads/materials/4389/CPEC2008BasicsMolEcol.Mech.WaterQuali(0147.pdf;
29. Ostroumov S. A. Biotic self-purification of aquatic ecosystems: from the theory to ecotechnologies. - Ecologica, 2007. vol. 15 (50), p.15-23. (ISSN 0354-3285). Some basic elements of a new theory for the biological mechanism for water self-purification are presented. Hydrobionts (aquatic organisms) are actively involved in various processes leading to water purification. Not only microorganisms (bacteria, cyanobacteria and fungi), but also algae, plants, invertebrates, and other groups of organisms are involved, which is discussed and analyzed in the paper. Results of the author's experiments that study the effects of various pollutants on aquatic organisms (freshwater and marine bivalves) are given. The theory is an innovative basis for developing ecological technologies to clean water and to upgrade its quality by using organisms and ecosystems [http://scindeks.nb.rs/article.aspx?artid=0354-32850750015O].
30. Ostroumov S.A., Shestakova T.V. Decreasing the measurable concentrations of Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb in the water of the experimental systems containing Ceratophyllum demersum: The phytoremediation potential // Doklady Biological Sciences 2009, Vol. 428, No. 1, p. 444-447. http://sites.google.com/site/9dbs444/; https://www.researchgate.net/file.FileLoader.html?key=8fd8998627b86102db72c9b237c25054;
31. Ostroumov S.A. Towards the general theory of ecosystem-depended control of water quality. - Ecologica, 2009, vol. 16, No. 54, p. 25-32. (Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University, Leninskie Gory, Moscow, 119991 Russia). Abstract: A new set of ecological generalizations formulated in this paper represent, in a systematized form, the basic elements of the qualitative theory of biotic control of water quality and water self-purification in freshwater and marine ecosystems. The theory contributes to a better understanding of the issues of stability and regulation in the biosphere. The theory is supported by the results of the author’s experimental studies of the effects exerted by surfactants, detergents and other pollutants on aquatic organisms. http://sites.google.com/site/9enecologica16p25theory/

Diploma at the 1st International Forum on Conservancy of Nature (Moscow, 7-9th September 2005), signed by Co-Chairs of the Forum, Deputy Minister of Natural Resources of Russian Federation and Vice-President of the Trade Chamber of Russian Federation).
Diploma of the journal 'Ecology and Life' (awarded 15 October 2005).
Diploma of the competition 'Sustainable use of natural resources and environmental protection – stratery of sustainable development of Russia in the 21st century' at the international conference 'Sustainable Development: Nature-Society-Man' (organized in 2006, Moscow, by the Ministry of Natural Resources) for the paper by Ostroumov S.A. and Solomonova E.A. "On studies of water self-purification and interactions between pollutants (surfactants) and biota: searching approaches to issues relevant to sustainable use of water resources " (Directive of the Ministry of Natural Resources No.126 of 02 June 2006; the Diploma was signed by the Minister).
Diploma to the book 'Biotic Mechanism of Self-purification of Freshwater and Marine Water' by Dr. S. A. Ostroumov, awarded at the 7th International Conference ‘Aquatic Ecosystems, Organisms, Innovations’ (2005). Diploma of the Academy of Aquatic Sciences for the series of innovative publications on aquatic ecology, interactions between chemicals and organisms, and water self-purification, including the books 'Biological Effects of Surfactants in Connection with the Anthropogenic Impact on the Biosphere'; 'Biological Effects of Surfactants on Organisms'; 'Biotic Mechanism of Self-Purification of Freshwater and Marine Water'; 'Pollution, Self-Purification and Restoration of Aquatic Ecosystems'; 'Biological Effects of Surfactants', (awarded in 2006).
Diploma of the Academy of Aquatic Sciences 'for his innovative contribution to improvement of environmental and ecological education', including the book 'Ecology and Hydrobiology. Curricula of Lecture Courses' (awarded in 2006).
Diploma of the Moscow Society of the Researchers of Nature (awarded in 2007).


https://www.researchgate.net/file.FileLoader.html?key=888352078b275ef40a430eb5b4d7714c; https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sergei_Ostroumov/blog/359_How_to_establish_a_new_type_of_reserves_to_protect_aquatic_biodiversity_and_ecosystem_services;
http://www.moipros.ru/files/author_4_article_9.doc; http://scipeople.com/uploads/materials/4389/2Hydrobiologia469p117w%20Addendum.DOC;

https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sergei_Ostroumov/blog/321_Discovery_of_the_system_where_chemical_pollution_could_impair_the_regulation_and_balance_in_the_abundance_of_phytoplankton_threat_to_ecological_stability_ ;

Positive evaluations of some of the results published by S.A.Ostroumov see in:
Petrosyan V.S. Review of the book: Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis. - Ecological Studies, Hazards, Solutions, 2007. vol. 12, p. 117-119 (in English);
Review of the book: Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis. Boca Raton, London, New York. 2006. 279 p. – Bulletin Samarskaya Luka. - 2007. - V. 16, ¹ 4(22). - P. 864-867. Bibliogr. 10 refs. http://www.ssc.smr.ru/media/journals/samluka/2007/16_4_22.pdf;
Review of the book: Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis. Boca Raton, London, New York. 2006. 279 p. // Problems of Biogeochemistry and Geochemical Ecology. 2007. ¹ 2 (4). p.108;
Review of the book: S.A.Ostroumov. Biological Effects of Surfactants (2006). - Ecologica, 2008. v.15, No. 51, p. 71-72. (ISSN 0354-3285; in English);
Review of the book: Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants. CRC Press. Taylor & Francis. Boca Raton, London, New York. 2006. 279 p. – Toxicological Review [Toksikologicheskij Vestnik], 2009, No. 2, p. 40;


KEY WORDS: filter-feeders, suspension feeders, bivalves, Mercenaria mercenaria, synthetic surfactants, substances that inhibit the filtration activity, the mussels, Mytilus edulis, Peter Donkin, grant proposal, European Environmental Research Organization, algae, Isochrysis galbana, mussels Mytilus edulis , anionic surfactant, sodium dodecyl sulphate, SDS, tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide, cationic surfactant TDTMA, turbidostat; the culture, rotifers, Brachionus calyciflorus, feeding on algae, Nannochloropsis limnetica, ecotoxicological, hydrobiological, and management considerations, water quality, the biosphere, global change, V.I.Vernadsky, pelagic and benthic systems, ecosystem's biomachinery, water quality, self-purification potential in aquatic systems, suspended matter, faeces, pseudofaeces, nutrient cycling, water column, benthic habitats, suspension-feeders, natural aquatic remediation systems, negative anthropogenic impacts, new effects of pollutants on the filtration rates, Solyaris, Tarkovsky, Stanislav Lem, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Black Sea, Crimea, Sevastopol, Santa Fe, ASLO, SIL, Berlin, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Coulter counter, zebra mussels, Dreissena, heavy metals, carbon biogeochemistry, phytoremediation, combating pollution, synecology, theoretical ecology, theoretical biology, sustainable development, stability, regulation, limnology, biological oceanography, environmental safety, mariculture, oysters,
how much water do the mollusks that inhabit 1 m2 of the bottom area filter during one day (24 h)?, ecological chemoregulators, ecological chemomediators, toxins, pheromones, antifeedants, decreasing trophic activity of animals, phytoecdisones, carbon transfer, atmospheric CO2 , dissolved CO2 , photosynthesis, ecotechnologies, reducing hazards of chemical pollution, University of Georgia, the US Agency for Environment Protection, phytotechnology, polluted water, aquatic macrophytes, higher plants, ecosystem’s services

Îïóáëèêîâàíî 08 èþëÿ 2010 ãîäà

Ãëàâíîå èçîáðàæåíèå:

ÊËÞ×ÅÂÛÅ ÑËÎÂÀ (íàæìèòå äëÿ ïîèñêà): filter-feeders, suspension feeders, bivalves, Mercenaria mercenaria, synthetic surfactants, substances that inhibit the filtration activity, the mussels, Mytilus edulis, Peter Donkin, grant proposal, European Environmental Research Organization, algae, Isochrysis galbana, mussels Mytilus edulis , anionic surfactant, sodium dodecyl sulphate, SDS, tetradecyltrimethylammonium bromide, cationic surfactant TDTMA, turbidostat; the culture, rotifers, Brachionus calyciflorus, feeding on algae, Nannochloropsis limnetica, ecotoxicological, hydrobiological, and management considerations, water quality, the biosphere, global change, V.I.Vernadsky, pelagic and benthic systems, ecosystem's biomachinery, water quality, self-purification potential in aquatic systems, suspended matter, faeces, pseudofaeces, nutrient cycling, water column, benthic habitats, suspension-feeders, natural aquatic remediation systems, negative anthropogenic impacts, new effects of pollutants on the filtration rates, Solyaris, Tarkovsky, Stanislav Lem, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Black Sea, Crimea, Sevastopol, Santa Fe, ASLO, SIL, Berlin, Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Coulter counter, zebra mussels, Dreissena, heavy metals, carbon biogeochemistry, phytoremediation, combating pollution, synecology, theoretical ecology, theoretical biology, sustainable development, stability, regulation, limnology, biological oceanography, environmental safety, mariculture, oysters, how much water do the mollusks that inhabit 1 m2 of the bottom area filter during one day (24 h)?, ecological chemoregulators, ecological chemomediators, toxins, pheromones, antifeedants, decreasing trophic activity of animals, phytoecdisones, carbon transfer, atmospheric CO2 , dissolved CO2 , photosynthesis, ecotechnologies, reducing hazards of chemical pollution, University of Georgia, the US Agency for Environment Protection, phytotechnology, polluted water, aquatic macrophytes, higher plants, ecosystem’s services

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