публикация №1162161180, версия для печати

Статистика экономики Республики Беларусь (2006). Данные МВФ, на английском языке.

Дата публикации: 30 октября 2006
Публикатор: Алексей Петров (номер депонирования: BY-1162161180)
Источник: (c) http://library.by

This Statistical Appendix for the Republic of Belarus was prepared by a staff team of the
International Monetary Fund as background documentation for the periodic consultation with the
member country. It is based on the information available at the time it was completed on July 20,
2006. The views expressed in this document are those of the staff team and do not necessarily reflect
the views of the government of the Republic of Belarus or the Executive Board of the IMF.
The policy of publication of staff reports and other documents by the IMF allows for the deletion of
market-sensitive information.

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Опубликовано 30 октября 2006 года

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LIBRARY.BY ЭКОНОМИКА БЕЛАРУСИ Статистика экономики Республики Беларусь (2006). Данные МВФ, на английском языке.

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