публикация №1510921840, версия для печати

The effect of gambling: how does it affect health and is there any benefit from gambling?

Дата публикации: 17 ноября 2017
Публикатор: Алексей Петров (номер депонирования: BY-1510921840)

Gambling is a popular kind of entertainment practiced by millions of people around the world. Generally known that this is a harmful habit, which adversely affects the psychological and mental state. Gamblers are often ranked as unhealthy people. But in fact, everything is not so straight forward, and this is proven by numerous studies conducted by scientists from different countries.

They studied the behavior of people in real casinos and those who play in the online casino with live dealer and found out that the game has a positive effect on overall health and well-being, not only at the moment of gambling, but also in the long run.

Perhaps, you felt once incomprehensible dissatisfaction with life, depression, apathy, for reasons you couldn’t understand? It happens that a completely successful and self-sufficient person feels uncomfortable, not understanding why this happens. The problem is the lack of adrenaline, which is developed during stressful situations. And if our ancestors felt a sense of excitement on the hunt or in the battle for a beautiful lady, then contemporaries live quite safely and calmly, not allowing this natural emotion to emerge.

Psychology of gambling

 Source of the photo: Playshangrila.com

Medicine explains this situation by the fact that during stress the glands produce several kinds of hormones: adrenaline, serotonin, cortisol and some others that are simultaneously released into the blood. Such a nuclear cocktail penetrates all organs and systems, triggering a response. It should be noted that a person can feel such a state after training, quarrels, sex. How does the hormonal explosion affect our body? Let's look through each aspect.

During the game, the brain is activated

Under the action of hormones, the gray matter begins to work with greater productivity and speed. Players, whether they want it or not, have to think through their actions, moves, situations, the probability of combinations falling, etc.; so regular games serve as an excellent trainer for the brain: attention is increased, logic and memory are trained. By the way, in old age former players suffer from forgetfulness, sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease and similar diseases very seldom.

The effect of excitement at the level of physiology

As a result of the same research, it was proved that people regularly visiting sites with online slots with real money playing at a real gaming table or even poker with friends are more cheerful, balanced and calm in their daily lives. This effect is achieved through the release of a specific set of hormones and the corresponding effects on the central nervous system.

If you regularly expose a person to dosed stress, nerve cells become much more stable, the player feels calm, protected, knows how to control their emotions, is not prone to panic and hysterics. As the results of research have shown, in the end people are more calm and stress-resistant in everyday life, are not afraid of difficulties, make fewer mistakes. As a result, many of them quickly move up the career ladder and are very successful.

What do psychologists say about gambling?

It turned out that they are also in favor of gambling, since a game of poker or a session on slot machines serves as an excellent way of psychological unloading. Thus, you can remove the accumulated stress, relax, rest and forget about your problems for a while. The player is as if in a state of easy intoxication - this effect has an emerging sense of excitement.

The main thing - self-control

But experts warn that a positive effect will be present only if you can manage your excitement and the game doesn’t prevail over other matters. If you feel that you can stop in the midst and do something everyday, you will not have any problems, you can safely register at the online casino Play Shangri-La! Exciting games will bring pleasure and help relieve stress. Otherwise, the game can cause serious psychological problems.

Scientists are unanimous in the opinion that a controlled game that does not cause addiction has a beneficial effect on the body. Want to charge with vivacity and positive - try your hand at a virtual casino!

Опубликовано 17 ноября 2017 года

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